In my opinion, anyone who claims that there is a universal and simple cure for jet lag is naive, misinformed or dishonest. There is no such cure. No remedy, application or device is yet capable of eliminating jet lag, especially if you take into consideration the fact that it differs whether you travel eastwards or westwards and depends on the number of times zones you cross. I am confident though, that finding a cure is only a matter of time.

But what can be done in the meantime? The problem is more complex than it looks, but there are a lot of things that can already be done to help you beat jet lag if you are affected by it.

This book first provides scientific explanations on the jet lag phenomenon. It then covers no-nonsense tricks, bright light, melatonin, sleeping pills and stimulants. It breaks the issue of jet lag down into 23 distinct time zone situations and provides individual solutions for each of them.


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The book can already be ordered on:

It will also be soon available for sale on Elsevier.




pictureAs well as pursuing an already long career as a clinical psychiatrist and Head of the Department of Psychiatry at Tivoli Hospital (La Louvière, Belgium), Olivier LE BON, MD, PhD, is a lecturer (maître d'enseignement) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). In collaboration with colleagues from Europe as well as North and South America, he has studied several fields of psychiatry, neurophysiology and sleep, publishing more than 80 scientific papers. The subject of his PhD was biological cycles and in particular the alternance of REM and NREM sleep cycles in humans, rats and mice. He pioneered research on the role of ultra-slow wave sleep in clinical fields, such as chronic fatigue. He has also published significant papers in the fields of alcoholism, addiction and personality. He is a globe-trotter, too, having visited more than 60 countries around the world.